Aspiring Creative. Writer at heart.

About Me

Hello! I'm a recent graduate from Temasek Polytechnic’s Digital Film & Television with a deep passion for creativity and a goal of pursuing a career in filmmaking. As an aspiring creative, I'm always seeking new opportunities to learn about the industry and grow my skills.When I'm not busy with my studies, I spend my time taking pictures at @fiftywordreflection on Instagram.

worked as Editor

worked as co-Producer


I participated in the Creative Arts Programme and Mentorship from 2019 - 2020.My short stories are published in CAP's original publication titled EYE ON THE WORLD, available at the National Library.

A young teen runs away to enlist for the war.

This is not a full script, but the beginning of ACT ONE

A stoic young man must find a way to move on from his
girlfriend's disappearance or be forever haunted by his past. (Horror/Thriller)

You can find me here: